- đź‘ľ Â Founding Engineer @ formly.ai
- 🤓  Founded skintheory & expatpho.net
- 🎸  Indie Musician (spotify, bandcamp)
- 🇩🇪  Based in Berlin

Tip Of The Century: The Chrome Debugger
You should use the chrome debugger if you do any frontend js/ts work. /thread console.log is dead. The debugger saves my ass every time. You don’t need to set up anything or even import it if your using Chrome. You just: Add debugger; anywhere in your code: (stick it behind an if if you like!) If you’re debugging on the fly, find your file in the sources tab and click “Add Breakpoint”....
Why I Make Waitlists For Side Projects
1. External validation for a new idea At the start of a project, I’m not sure if only I have the problem I want to solve. The more emails that join my wait list, the more excited people are about solving the problem. I try to be super straight up about who my product is for on the landing page. I also try to scope down the communicated project features as much as possible....

My 3hr Landing Page Build Strategy in 2025
Today I built a wait list landing page for a new project of mine. I did it in around 2 hr 55 min. This is a PB for me. I could definitely have done it faster, but with the trade offs I wanted, I am quite happy. The Strategy Note: I’m not affiliated with the brands mentioned. 1. Audit current state of drag-and-drop website builders Time: 45 min | Cost: $0...

Faster PRs - Lower The Barrier Of Entry
Reviewing pull requests is a pain in the hole, but a necessary one. It is also massive time sync if you’re actually doing it right. Normal PR Process It often looks like this: Get slack message: “pwetty pwease review my PR :3 pr link” Open in browser, scroll through the code a bit Inner Monologue: “This looks mostly understandable? Can I can get away without pulling this locally?” Decide to run it locally Stash current branch’s changes (remember that you have a stash saved!...

Passing Thoughts Become Action
Stopping and smelling the roses 🌹
On Getting Discovered
I blog sometimes. I publish a good bit of music as well, and yet, no one knows me. This is fine. I happily mosey through life without internet celebrity, but candidly (and probably humanly), it would be nice to get recognition for the things that I make. So how does one get “discovered”? Youtube just recommended me this small linux youtuber, who struck me with a Jimmy Neutron style, brain blast on how these algorithms likely work....

Making A Language Learning Buddy w/ ChatGPT
I’m at a quietly frustrating point with my German language learning. It’s an uncomfortable expanse within A1-A2 levels where I pick up a myriad of words in a conversation, but I’m still not confident enough to say much. The usual solution here is one of brute force. Go make a fool of yourself, often and brazenly, in the wild. Talk to people around you, have awkward-as-hell conversations. But, how can I cash in on the ChatGPT hype that way?...

A Small, Opinionated List of Nice Spots in Berlin
My personal Berlin tourism list.

Make debugging suck less. Keep a logbook. đź““
Scientists keep logbooks for their findings. Why don’t computer scientists? A great place to start doing this is for debugging. Debugging sucks enough as is, make it easier on yourself. A logbook will… 🗺 Enumerate where you are in the bug fix journey. You’ll forget this journey when you pick it up tomorrow, write it down. 🌳 Keep you rooted to the ground. (Creating an “issue stack”.) Related to above, it often feels like you’re completely lost in the aether when you’re 50 opened browser tabs deep into an issue that’s not even the same issue anymore, its a sub issue of a sub issue....

Cool Junk That Conor Finds on the Internet
My collection of things I find on my journeys through the internet.