Goals Met: ~85%

Song Of The Month (listen while reading!): 1000 Times - Big Blood - Indie Pop

Summer is officially over so it’s time to get back to work.

How did I do with last month’s goals?


None this month.

Music - Solo Project | Band Project

Release Chlorine Videos

  • Results: A

I edited the videos for my new single. I also made a plan for when to release them with a focus on iterative improvement of views and learning how to release tiktoks/reels.

So far, it seems that tiktok is the best for getting discovered. Random people will actually watch the video. It’s a bit tougher to get interactions. I think the most important thing is interactions and sharable content. I also am not sure yet how to get American viewers, as the app sees I’m in Germany and only shows me to Europeans.

Get youtube ads for new CORP. video and reach out to some labels

  • Results: A

I put 100 euros into youtube ads and we got something like 20k plays, which is pretty good for stimulating some views to reach out to labels. Pretty simple too.

Side Projects

Close down SkinTheory

  • Result: D

Didn’t do it. Tried to reach out to the investor to close the C Corp., but he has been booted from his own company with that email. I’m all clear to move forward though.

Start Marketing ExpatPho.net and Finish dev work

  • Results: F

Don’t think I’ve made any movement on ExpatPho.net this month. Kind of losing confidence again. I should just put this out and get this done though. Tbh, I don’t mind not completing the dev work currently, lets just get it out and see if anyone wants to use it.


Go to a tech meetup

  • Results: A

Went to the local react meetup again in Berlin. It was nice, talks were a bit boring but I made a friend and we went for drinks.

What else got done last month?

  • Had a little workcation in Sicily at the start of the month. Was a great idea. Feel like I can really say goodbye to summer now that I’ve got some beach time in.
  • Bought a beautiful new Squier Bronco Bass that’s pink! Bass is very fun actually, pretty new instrument for me.
  • Been playing in the studio more with Conall, just having fun.
  • Lots of drinking and debauchery.

Lessons Learned?

  • Workcations are fun, but it’s better to do them cheap. They’re kind of hard to do as well if you actually have to work in the day as opposed to the night. If the vacation is expensive, you will feel like it wasn’t worth the price.
  • Reels and Tiktoks - Seem to be much more gratifying than full music videos, people actually view your stuff. I think it’s worth trying to just put out any content and iterating on the format until you find a working one. Even if its boring in the beginning. Then slowly making it more unique and zany.
    • Post many reels doesn’t use up “social capital” on your instagram.
  • Being alone is necessary - Laura is away in Italy for the week. I miss her and sometimes I get a bit lonely, reminiscent, and sorrowful. I really appreciate it though. It makes me appreciate what I have and helps me put my normal life in perspective. I find myself distractable in company.
  • Be More Open - In the US I think people are more open and unassuming then in Europe. I used to be like this and recently I think I’ve grown more closed off, not starting conversations, and if I’m in one, potentially hiding my more interesting quirks or opinions. Being more open is a much better life, you meet more people and filter for the ones that match you.
  • Break bigger goals into smaller chunks - I updated my personal notion to put my monthly goals into “Todo this month”, “Todo this week”, “Todo today” and it actually helped me (a) see if I was on track for the month and (b) keep all my goals more close at hand to pick up and do.

What are my goals for next month?

You can’t connect the dots going forward, only back.

Steve Jobs

Make sure these goals trend the dots towards my goal, being in front of the right people, focusing time where it matters, etc.

Next month I have nothing going on, so I should be able to get more done!

  • Market Expatpho.net so I can close it off if need be
  • Liquidate SkinTheory C Corp.
  • Post rest of TikToks/Reels
  • Reach out to some labels about my new song
  • Deal with Capital One credit card
  • Book Ireland/NYC
  • Call Penndot for driver’s license
  • Finish a new SE.CORP song (unmastered)

What are my 2024 (year) goals?

  1. 🟡 Kill SkinTheory or get it off my mind completely.
  2. 🟡 Build 3 startup projects, and get faster and more publicity with each. Get atleast 1 to €100 MRR.
  3. 🟢 Support myself with a cool job or through freelancing.
  4. 🟡 Keep myself networked in the startup/engineering scene.
  5. 🔴 Get to the next level with CORP. Get on a label or manager that supports bigger bands or gets more publicity.

What are my lifetime goals?

  1. Run my own business that allows me to: support myself, be relaxed, be innovative, love my work, travel.
  2. Backpack for 6 months through Asia.
  3. Have 100,000 fans of my music.
  4. Be relaxed and be excited to wake up to my life every day.